管理番号 | 新品 :96135612 | 発売日 | 2024/12/28 | 定価 | 9,380円 | 型番 | 96135612 | ||
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PAINT (英語) 大型本Jeffery Camp Dorling Kindersley 1996一昨年4月に96歳で亡くなったジェフリー・キャンプによる代表的著作。~A lecturer at the Slade School of Art from 1963 to 1988, Camp also wrote the instructional books Draw (1981) and Paint (1996). In Draw, Camp observed: “Drawing can open the door and raise that useful extra eyelid which, like that possessed by certain lizards, is in humans the inhibiting, cribbed, confining, narrow-browed, vertical thinking curtain eyelid of conformity.” Among his students at the Slade was the writer AA Gill. Gill contrasted Camp's “lugubrious” manner with his inspiring teaching: “In a counter zeitgeist way … he would look at your work and say ‘Have you ever thought how Matisse might do that?’ Or ‘Copy that Raphael. How does he make that stand up?’”(Guardian obituary)美大生、美術愛好家、子どもまで小口に汚れが見られますが未使用で中はとてもきれいです。#アート#絵の具#色彩#静物画#人物習作#外光派#風景画#油絵#水彩#イギリス#画家#教師#本#BOOK#思い出本屋#思い出本屋西洋文化#思い出本屋西洋美術#思い出本屋フランス#思い出本屋パリ#思い出本屋からだ#思い出本屋動物#思い出本屋植物#思い出本屋自然#思い出本屋色#思い出本屋洋書